64. JESUS iS VACUUMiNG - Chemtrails, Pollen, DEWs & Wind Farms ✈️🌳💨

conspiracy kween ✌️ Season 4 Episode 64

i hope your green laser Dyson is fully charged kweens cuz this one's a doozey - an all hands on deck situation in the sky daddy's cock pit.

In this episode of The Mid Mom Podcast, we’re cracking open chemtrails, conspiracy theories, and why the government absolutely does NOT have your best interests at heart (shocking, I know). And do you know they're KILLING the WHALES??

From 9/11 to COVID-19, we’re diving into the patterns of manipulation that keep us distracted, divided, and probably inhaling aluminum and barium for breakfast. Are chemtrails just innocent cloud formations, or is the sky being weaponized against us? What’s the deal with smart dust, directed energy weapons (DEW's), and climate engineering? And who’s actually benefitting from all this chaos?

Of course, we sprinkle in some personal stories—family drama, health struggles, and a few choice words for my online haters who just LOVE calling me crazy spoiler: I don’t care. 

By the end of this one, you’ll be questioning everything you’ve ever been told—or at least looking up a little more. Because the sky is sus, and Jesus is vacuuming again.


💙 Al.

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Eat Pray Slay Kweens!