62. MAMMiO - GRAMMiO - al bares it all 🍒

real | cool | mom Season 4 Episode 62

In this very casje, yet highly necessary ranty episode, I take you along for a dog walk while unpacking everything from my mammio-grammio (yes, i just said that ) to the ever-evolving chaos of our world. We’re covering a range of topics—Donald Trump, political unrest, media censorship, and the relentless labeling of any skepticism towards the carbon tax as “climate denier.”

But more than just the usual discourse, I’m diving into critical thinking—why it matters, why so many people seem to avoid it like the plague, and what life could look like off the algorithm-driven hamster wheel. Imagine: less doomscrolling, more real-life moments. Less propaganda, more personal perspective. Could we actually thrive without social media? Or has the system got us too deep?

Let’s walk and talk, kweens. 🐕✨

send me feedback here :)

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Eat Pray Slay Kweens!